More than twenty years ago, a certain hit tune of M.C.Hammer had hailed around the world. A little Japanese girl also loved it, and interpreted the lyric; “Anything essential coolness is untouchable to your hands, because it's always intangible.”
Since then, I have been fascinated to release a shutter to it. Something far away, something over the fence, something only visible in a finder. Something tactile but not touchable. All photographs in this book were taken in New York City 2015, and have a kind of texture. Unkempt plants, stickers placed by hands, or old trodden lacking pavements. We can see some patterns and orders in them, but it's not with a computer-measured neatness. An error attracts us to touch it, just like a hole in a hand-knitting sweater.
But you, and even I, can’t touch this. These are all tactile things that you can only feel its beauty through printed pictures.